The SARS-CoV-2 Process Control (Swab) is made with RNA transcripts containing diagnostically relevant targets (CDC and WHO consensus sequences) encapsulated in a phage protein envelope.
Nucleotides contained in each pellet (All positions in reference to GenBank Acc. NC_045512.2)
• Orf1ab/RdRP: 12,690 ..12,797 | 13,342 ..13,460 | 14,080 ..14,186 | 14,250..14,450 | 15,431 ..15,530
• S (Spike): 18,778 ..18,909 | 24,354 ..24,900
• E (Envelope): 26,245 ..26,427 | 26,269 ..26,381
• ORF8: 14,250..14,450
• M (Membrane Protein or Matrix): 26,496..27,215
• N (Nucleocapsid): 28,237 ..29,280
Includes inactivated A549 lung epithelial cells