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Durviz REAL

Durviz REAL

REAL is a brand  of Durviz S.L. Our company is located in the Technological Park of  Valencia. Close to Manises Airport, and 10 Km from the coast of Valencia in Spain.

In 1991 Durviz was the first company in the world developing PCR kits under ROCHE license, and this was the starting point for REAL brand.

Since that moment Real has been developing and increasing the number of kits and solutions for the Molecular Biology Laboratory, always according to market demands and working very close to our customers.

Now our Molecular Biology Kits are being used in the most important research centres in Spain.

The Parasitology line started in 2003, when we developed our first parasite collector, “The Universal”. It was a really innovative product at this time. It contributed to the parasites collecting and fixation with a cleaner, fast and closed system.

In 2010 REAL  launched the new system, “The Mini”. According to the needs in this field, this system is smaller, quicker and cleaner than the ones of the competitors. The small volume of the collecting tube implies less volume of reagents, making it ecological and space-saving.

Since the begining we have always been traying to develope new products to supply the needs of our customer.
Our last product, MiniSystem Total-Fix, fits the needs of market as it provides a media for parasite fixation free from Formaline, PVA and Mercury.

REAL Graham Test (Multi Slide)

REAL Graham Test (Multi Slide)

  • Unit Quantity: 60 Boxes, 3 Slides/Box
REAL Graham Test (Single Slide)

REAL Graham Test (Single Slide)

  • Unit Quantity: 50 Boxes, 1 Slides/Box